A 40,000 view of your consciousness, your mind and how your beliefs and rules shape this resource for both good and bad.
What if the mind is like a large body of water. Imagine a lake that lake is defined by the shores and the depth of that lake. Think of that as the mind and the body that you were born into. That lake has different shorelines, different depths, different resources and is either connected to or not connected to other nearby sources of water.
The Lake is Your Mind
Those depths, those shores, those resources would all be your gifts, your strengths, and your access to and what you have privilege to utilize in your daily life.
Now think of vessels and containers. These are your rules and your tools. They are your beliefs they are your identity. They outline and they define all of that which is your mind. They siphon off the mind and they organize the mind overtime leaving you with a collection of beliefs that allows you to manipulate, organize, and utilize more efficiently but, in doing so you also no longer can see the water within the lake.
An Organized Mind Over Time
The water hasn't changed, only how it's being held and while this process may be useful to you, it may also be restrictive. The water has been organized to be efficient and help you approach, address, and interact with the world, but sometimes we forget that the vessels that hold our consciousness and our mind are limited and self-imposed. Sometimes the vessel was handed to us by life. It wasn't something we actually chose.
Stun Your Readers
These vessels, often unconscious, we cannot get rid of once had, but we can pour the water back into the lake and set aside the vessels because our minds, our spirit, and our consciousness are so much bigger than any vessel we could ever put them into.
Play around with this concept. Just try it on. See if it's possible to process through that the mind is like water and that the body and the mind that you were born into is like a large body of water, defined by its shores and its depth and that over time the rules and the tools discovered are the vessels that helped us to organize and utilize that water in such a way as to make a meaningful life.
When you've run into a point in your life where there seems to be less meaning, what if that means it's time to find new vessels? What if you could invest yourself into finding new vessels that are more useful? What kind of meaningful life would you get?